Woman Attacked By Alligator Video
Terrifying video shows alligator snatch Florida woman walking her dogTerrifying video captures the moment a 10-foot-long alligator lunges at an 85-year-old woman in Florida — dragging her to her death as she tries to protect her dog from the beast.
Video Of Alligator Attack
The footage obtained by Inside Edition shows Gloria Serge standing with her leashed pooch Monday along a lake outside Spanish Lakes Fairways, a retirement community in Fort Pierce.
Alligator Attack Florida Video
The alligator is seen surfacing nearby and approaching the octogenarian, who moves away from the 700-pound monster. But the vicious reptile is too fast and she only manages to walk a few feet before it scrambles out of the water and tries to attack the dog.
Serge, who desperately tried to protect her pet from its massive jaws, was dragged underwater and killed in the shocking attack.