In one of the most shocking tales of survival-at-sea ever told, a man lived for almost three days inside a sunken ship at the bottom of the ocean.
In May, a tugboat with a crew of 12 was moving through choppy waters off the coast of Nigeria. The boat was towing an oil tanker when a sudden ocean swell or rogue wave slammed into the vessel, snapping the tow rope and capsizing the vessel at about 4:30 a.m.
en Harrison Okene s’hi va passar 3 dies,
Harrison Okene, the ship’s cook, was in the bathroom when the boat turned over and began to sink.
Most of the other crew members were locked in their cabins — a safety precaution necessitated by the pirates who regularly rob and abduct vessels in that area. That safety measure, however, sealed the other crew members’ doom.
Great Survival Stories: Harrison Okene, the Accidental Aquanaut.
Who remembers Harrison Okene
Harrison Okene became an accidental aquanaut when he survived more than 60 hours at the bottom of the ocean by breathing through an air pocket.
Watch Maria Camila Villalba Leaked Video
In pitch dark, he managed to grope his way from the toilet into another room, which had enough air to keep him alive. There, he rigged a simple platform to keep his body partially above water and delay hypothermia.
full video on how a Nigerian by name Harrison Okene was rescued
There in the dark, as the horror of his predicament began to sink in, Okene could do little but pray. “All around me was just black and noisy.
I was crying and calling on Jesus to rescue me. I prayed so hard. I was so hungry and thirsty and cold and I was just praying to see some kind of light.
en Harrison Okene s’hi va passar 3 dies,
The 2013 story of Harrison Okene surviving in the cold torturous Atlantic Ocean 60 hours after a shipwreck is a triumph of the human will. It is also a story that Okene believes justifies his faith.