ned fulmer cheating

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The Try Guys’ Ned Fulmer is receiving immense backlash on social media after a Reddit user claimed that he cheated on his wife, Ariel Fulmer.

Netizens suspected that the father-of-two had an extramarital affair with Food Babies’ Alexandria Herring.

This comes after the YouTuber has disappeared from the group’s recent projects. Ned Fulmer alleged cheating controversy explained as Twitter reacts with disbelief.

Why ned fulmer is trending on social media?

News of Ned Fulmer cheating on his wife started to make headlines after Reddit user hamilton390 took to the platform claiming that he found the Yale-graduate kissing another woman in a New York club.

The platform user also uploaded screenshots of his alleged conversation with Ariel Fulmer where he attached a video of Ned allegedly kissing someone in a red dress.

Meanwhile, loyal fans of the Food Babies noticed that Alexandria Herring’s fiancé Will Thayer removed all his photos with Herring from his Instagram account and set his account to private shortly after that.

Twitter user @camitwomeyy also claimed that YB, who is the senior editor of the Food Babies unfollowed Herring and Fulmer on Instagram.